Surfcamps Pais Vasco

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Booking on request


Northern Spain

Gorliz, Pais Vasco, Spain

Wellentime is a German Surf Camp in Bilbao, northern Spain. Direct proximity to the metropolitan Bilbao metro connection with a unique combination of surfing, culture and...

Prices from
47.57€  per week
6.80€ For 1 night
47.57€  per week
Prices from
6.80€ For 1 night
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Booking on request


Northern Spain

Zarautz, Pais Vasco, Spain

Have you heard about the San Sebastian Surf Camp? Maybe you've heard about the summer waves, awesome local activities and party nights, the amazing view, yoga session...

Prices from
490.00€  per week
70.00€ For 1 night
490.00€  per week
Prices from
70.00€ For 1 night
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Booking on request


Northern Spain

Zarautz, Pais Vasco, Spain

Welcome to Good People Surf With our Surf Camp and Surf School in the beautiful Basque Beach town of Zarautz, we like to bring people together to have an unforgettable ex...

Prices from
209.00€  per week
29.86€ For 1 night
209.00€  per week
Prices from
29.86€ For 1 night
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Booking on request



Sopelana, Pais Vasco, Spain

Welcome to our Surf camp for adults in the Basque littoral!Join us for a great Surf experience in the well-known beach “La Salbaje” in Sopelana, situated only twenty five...

Prices from
530.00€  per week
75.71€ For 1 night
530.00€  per week
Prices from
75.71€ For 1 night
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Booking on request


Northern Spain

Zarautz, Pais Vasco, Spain

Join Stoketravel at one of the best rolling surfcamps in Europe you can ever imagine, you don’t have to worry about anything other than the tempature of your beer and how...

Prices from
360.00€  per week
51.43€ For 1 night
360.00€  per week
Prices from
51.43€ For 1 night
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