Dreamsea Surfcamp (Avellanas, Costa Rica)

Playa Avellena, Avellenas, Guanacaste 86088, Costa Rica
Tap to call +34 828 668 899
280.00€ - 280.00€ Dreamsea Surfcamp (Avellanas, Costa Rica) Playa Avellena, Avellenas, Guanacaste, 86088, Costa Rica +34 828 668 899
Tariff / / Minimum days 1 Maximum days 365 / Min people 1 Max people 100 / 1 280 Saturday, 01 January 2050
Dreamsea Surfcamp (Avellanas, Costa Rica) Playa Avellena, Avellenas, Guanacaste, 86088, Costa Rica +34 828 668 899 280.00€ - 280.00€ 9.83 10 Wonderful Experience It was lovely meeting you! I had such a wonderful time at Dreamsea, thank you so much for having me. I felt very taken care of. Dreamsea Surfcamp (Avellanas, Costa Rica) Playa Avellena, Avellenas, Guanacaste, 86088, Costa Rica +34 828 668 899 280.00€ - 280.00€ 10 10 Gladly again! I really want to thank you for everything guys. So sad that I had to leave. You made a really nice job and those few days was so good. For sure I will come back soon. Hope we can see you in France. Pura Vida. Was really good! Dreamsea Surfcamp (Avellanas, Costa Rica) Playa Avellena, Avellenas, Guanacaste, 86088, Costa Rica +34 828 668 899 280.00€ - 280.00€ 10 10 Amazing experience! Thank you so much for accommodating our big group this week and welcoming us with open ours. It really means the world to us! The staff is truly incredible and we couldn´t be any happier!! Best of luck to you and your family Great! Dreamsea Surfcamp (Avellanas, Costa Rica) Playa Avellena, Avellenas, Guanacaste, 86088, Costa Rica +34 828 668 899 280.00€ - 280.00€ 10 10 Thanks a lot! It was super nice! I already miss Dream Surf! I really had a fantastic stay, thanks to Joaquin and Niko, and José too. They are all super nice and I had a lot of fun with them. Hope to come back one day Amazing.

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