Homegrown Surfcamp (Fuerteventura, Spain)

C/ Jose Segura Torres 3, Corralejo, Fuerteventura, Canarias 35650, Spain
Tap to call 0034 679 375 341
235.00€ - 650.00€ Homegrown Surfcamp (Fuerteventura, Spain) C/ Jose Segura Torres 3, Corralejo, Fuerteventura, Canarias, 35650, Spain 0034 679 375 341 1 Package A Dummy 10
Gold Surf Paket -10 Tage Unterkunft im Surfcamp Casa Hilda - 9 Tage Surfkurs - Surfmaterial - Versicherung - Beachtransfer / Package A / Minimum days 10 Maximum days 10 / Min people 1 Max people 100 / 10 490 Saturday, 01 January 2050
Gold Surf Paket -2 Wochen Unterkunft im Surfcamp Casa Hilda - 12 Tage Surfkurs - Surfmaterial - Versicherung - Beachtransfer / Package A / Minimum days 14 Maximum days 99 / Min people 1 Max people 100 / 14 650 Saturday, 01 January 2050
Gold Surf Paket -7 Tage Unterkunft im Surfcamp Casa Hilda - 6 Tage Surfkurs - Surfmaterial - Versicherung - Beachtransfer / Package A / Minimum days 7 Maximum days 7 / Min people 1 Max people 100 / 7 345 Saturday, 01 January 2050
Silver Surf Paket - 7 Tage Unterkunft im Surfcamp Casa Hilda - 3 Tage Surfkurs - Surfmaterial - Versicherung - Beachtransfer / / Minimum days 7 Maximum days 7 / Min people 1 Max people 100 / 7 235 Saturday, 01 January 2050
Homegrown Surfcamp (Fuerteventura, Spain) C/ Jose Segura Torres 3, Corralejo, Fuerteventura, Canarias, 35650, Spain 0034 679 375 341 235.00€ - 650.00€ 9 10 A week to remember :))))) central location,shared rooms nice people around,easy access It was an amazing week. Our surf instructor was both good at surfing and good at teaching it, giving all of us tips as a group and singling us out for individual instructions based on our different skill levels. A big plus for taking us to beaches we wouldn't otherwise have seen, far from the main tourist beaches. I would also like to especially comment on the friendly ways of all the staff we came into contact with, surf instructors, photographers and the people in the shop corralejo is a fun little surfer town with a few nice surf boars,tons of good cheap restaurants,the beach is very close to the hostal.

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