The Surf Shack (Tofo, Mosambik)

Praia do Tofo, Tofo, Inhambane 1304, Mozambique
Tippen Sie anrufen +34 828 680 066
110.00€ - 110.00€ The Surf Shack (Tofo, Mosambik) Praia do Tofo, Tofo, Inhambane, 1304, Mozambique +34 828 680 066 1 Package A Dummy 10
Tariff / / Tage min. 1 Tage max. 365 / Min. Belegung 1 Max. Belegung 100 / 1 110 Samstag, 01. Januar 2050
The Surf Shack (Tofo, Mosambik) Praia do Tofo, Tofo, Inhambane, 1304, Mozambique +34 828 680 066 110.00€ - 110.00€ 9 10 Surf Shack, bebé, Surf Shack These guys are being way too humble to name 'shack' this cute and cozy house on the beautiful beach of Tofo! I'm madly in love with this place, air, and the ocean. A perfect match for those who wants to take some surf lessons, rent a board or just have fun! 'The Surf Shack' offers a huge variety of stuff and activities from a surf shop to excursions, kayak adventures and more! Laid-back atmosphere, friendly staff...the energy of this place is just amazing! I wanna say my special thanks to wonderful Arjen who was my coach during the stay. It was my very first time surfing, and I was a bit nervous yet excited, but with his help my dream came true! He made it happen! Highly recommended ;-) The Surf Shack (Tofo, Mosambik) Praia do Tofo, Tofo, Inhambane, 1304, Mozambique +34 828 680 066 110.00€ - 110.00€ 10 10 Awesome and friendly - Took a lesson with Dave and he had me standing on the first go. He also took way more time than I booked, just an awesome experience all together. Other guys around the shop were extremely helpful and supportive too. No hesitations to recommend them to anyone. Thanks! The Surf Shack (Tofo, Mosambik) Praia do Tofo, Tofo, Inhambane, 1304, Mozambique +34 828 680 066 110.00€ - 110.00€ 9 10 It's like being at home but better - I had 3 days of lessons with the surf Shack and it was really perfect. They don't look about the hour, give really good advices, help for everything and they know how to put everyone in a good mood! The atmosphere was fabulous during this week, thank you again guys! Hope to see you one day

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The Surf Shack (Tofo, Mosambik)

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