Wildmex Adventures (Sayulita, Mexiko)

Calle Pelicanos no.7, Sayulita, Nayarit 63734, Mexico
Tippen Sie anrufen +5213221070601
- Wildmex Adventures (Sayulita, Mexiko) Calle Pelicanos no.7, Sayulita, Nayarit, 63734, Mexico +5213221070601 1 Package A Dummy 10
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Wildmex Adventures (Sayulita, Mexiko) Calle Pelicanos no.7, Sayulita, Nayarit, 63734, Mexico +5213221070601 - 10 10 Great Service, Awesome Surf! The colorful hotel we stayed was very comfortable and the personal ready to help us every time. The WildMex team helped me with everything, this guys are very good and toke me to some great surf breaks. The board inventory is just perfect and the instructors very friendly and experienced Sayulita is a very beautiful Mexican town, everyone is very friendly and ready to help you. I could use English basically everywhere and the food tastes better than what you expect. Wildmex Adventures (Sayulita, Mexiko) Calle Pelicanos no.7, Sayulita, Nayarit, 63734, Mexico +5213221070601 - 10 10 Beyond Excellent! great colorful hotel with really good service My daughter and I were recommended to Wildmex for surfing lessons and were blown away with the quality of instruction and care we received. Luis, our instructor, took us out to La Mancha, a beautiful beach -- twice - where we had the best time and he even took my 11 year old daughter out to some more challenging surf - she felt super safe and surfed some amazing waves. We also rented paddle boards and boogie boards from them in Sayulita. Very impressed with Wildmex and am so glad we found them, we'll be back for more in February! Sayulita its a beautiful Mexican town very worth to visit, most of the places you can speak English and people in general is very friendly
Durchschnitt der Stimmen: 10.0
Stimmen gesamt:2
Unverb. Anfrage


Begleiten Sie uns auf einer Surf-Odyssee, um in den Geschmack des mexikanischen Surf Lifestyles in der renommierten Nayarit Riviera zu kommen, nur etwa 45 Minuten nördlich von Puerto Vallarta.
Sayulitas konstante Wellen, warmes Wasser, und der dörfliche Charme machen es zur idealen Kulisse für das ultimative Surf-Erlebnis. Unsere Camps sind ideal für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene Surfer, die beim Surfen die nächste Stufe erreichen wollen. Wildmex Adventures ist die beliebteste Surfschule und der beliebteste Surf Camp-Anbieter in der Region. Wir sind als Nummer 1 Attraktion im Sayulita TripAdvisor aufgeführt. Dies haben wir durch die Beibehaltung der hochwertigen Service-Standards und mit den bestmöglichen Trainern erreicht.
Unser Ziel ist es, wunderbare Erfahrungen für unsere Kunden zu schaffen und sicher zu stellen, dass sie in der Lage sind, an Wellen in sicherer Umgebung zu gelangen.
Wir bieten Surfcamps mit oder ohne Unterkunft.
Die Routen unterscheiden sich ein wenig voneinander.

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Entschuldigung, leider sind keine weiteren Informationen auf Deutsch verfügbar. Bitte klicke auf die Flaggen (oben rechts) für weitere Informationen auf Englisch oder Spanisch.






Entschuldigung, leider sind keine weiteren Informationen auf Deutsch verfügbar. Bitte klicke auf die Flaggen (oben rechts) für weitere Informationen auf Englisch oder Spanisch.

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Wildmex Adventures (Sayulita, Mexiko)

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Wildmex Adventures (Sayulita, Mexiko) Durchschnitt der Stimmen: 10.0 Stimmen gesamt: 2

10/10 100%
10/10 100%
10/10 100%
10/10 100%
10/10 100%
10/10 100%
Dieser Gast teilte uns mit:

great colorful hotel with really good service


My daughter and I were recommended to Wildmex for surfing lessons and were blown away with the quality of instruction and care we received. Luis, our instructor, took us out to La Mancha, a beautiful beach -- twice - where we had the best time and he even took my 11 year old daughter out to some more challenging surf - she felt super safe and surfed some amazing waves. We also rented paddle boards and boogie boards from them in Sayulita. Very impressed with Wildmex and am so glad we found them, we'll be back for more in February!

Sonstiges (z.B. Umgebung, Nightlife, etc.):

Sayulita its a beautiful Mexican town very worth to visit, most of the places you can speak English and people in general is very friendly


10/10 100%
10/10 100%
10/10 100%
10/10 100%
10/10 100%
10/10 100%
Dieser Gast teilte uns mit:

The colorful hotel we stayed was very comfortable and the personal ready to help us every time.


The WildMex team helped me with everything, this guys are very good and toke me to some great surf breaks. The board inventory is just perfect and the instructors very friendly and experienced

Sonstiges (z.B. Umgebung, Nightlife, etc.):

Sayulita is a very beautiful Mexican town, everyone is very friendly and ready to help you. I could use English basically everywhere and the food tastes better than what you expect.


Um eine Bewertung abzugeben müssen Sie eingeloggt sein.

Oceana Wellness (Sayulita, Mexiko) starstarstar in ungefähr 0.21 km
Preise ab $1,735.00 Preis pro Woche
Preise ab 355.00€ Preis pro Woche
Preise ab 102.00€ Preis pro Woche