Kite Academy (Mugla, Turkey)

Azmakboyu Sk. 15/2 Akyaka, Mugla, Mugla 48650, Turkey
Tap to call +34 828 680 066
200.00€ - 200.00€ Kite Academy (Mugla, Turkey) Azmakboyu Sk. 15/2 Akyaka, Mugla, Mugla, 48650, Turkey +34 828 680 066 1 Package A Dummy 10
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The beach is at the bottom of Gokova Bay. It is 3 km of pure sand. The wind is thermal and onshore. Water is flat and choppy, shallow. There are no painfull creatures in our waters. This is a perfect spot especially for beginners to learn and practice.

For advanced riders, the holy nature of the bay and scenery will doubles the joy of the sessions. One side of the bay is reserved for advanced riders. It is hard to believe but there is no water sports, bananas, burgers, parapents around. This spot is reserved for kiteboarders.


We have been riding and teaching in Gökova since the beginnings of 2000s. With these years of experience here we built up a new cool, safe and comfortable base at the Akyaka Kiteboard Beach. The most experienced crew of kiteboard instructors in Turkey is waiting for you. Come and share the perfect water and weather conditions of Akyakawith us!



Here are the best of Akyaka for different tastes and budgets:
No 22 Riders Inn (
Shimal Residences & Hotel (


We offer free drinking water at our base and there is a Café for food, drinks and beer. The beach and the base are comfortable enough to spend the day.



Welcome to the club! From a tiny kiteboard appetiser to a weekly full beginner pack there are plenty of options which will definitely fit your kiteboarding holiday plans in Gökova
What you will learn:

- Site assessment
- Basic piloting
- Set up and fly a Lei Kite
- Fly a Lei Kite
- Basic bodydrag
- Directional bodydrag
- Self rescue
- Right of way, beach etiquette
- Board start
- Ride and stop


Kiteboard rental (60€ per day):

The latest kite and board models from North, Cabrinha, Nobile and a lot of other quality equipment available for you. SUPs and kayaks are also available for the low wind days or anytime you like to paddle in the delta.

Storage (15€ per day):

Keep your expectations high. We provide all necessary comfort for your session at the kite beach! With its 500 metersquare deck, personal storage and assistance services our base is safe and spacious. At Kite Academy Shop, you will find all necessary equipment of the worlds best kiteboard brands. Kitebeach is 1,5 km from Akyaka town center. We provide boat and minibus tranfers.

Kite medic:

That is the worst nightmare of all to end up with a ripped kite at the middle of your kite vacation. But it is the part of the game or the cost of progression. Kite Academy provides Turkey's one and only kiteboard repair service. No matter what you face up, we are in charge to provide the best and urgent solution for you to keep your mood high and positive. We know holiday is the best time of the year and kiteboarding holiday is even better. 


Seasonal conditions

The water is warm, not salty and all sand.


Characterization of surroundings/region

Akyaka is is a small town in the Gökova region near the city of Mu?la. It is a unique bay and town with its nature.

Activities and facilities

Get lazy on the deck chairs in the shade of our base , there is wi-fi, music.
Take pictures. The bay's unique nature and the action going on at Gokova Kiteboard Beach is a goldmine for photographers.
Rent paddle board or kayak to discover the delta behind our school.
Watch riders, especially the ones on the stage (the orange pontoon).
There is a safe area for swimmers. But this spot is shallow and not perfect for real swimming.


Ways to get to the camp

The sign of the town is visible on the way to Marmaris (25 km). All busses from big cities to Marmaris pass by here. Get off the bus at the Akyaka junction in Gökova. Those bus companies provide shuttle service to downtown. If not just give us a call. We can pick you up. Dalaman Airport is the closest and easiest option. From there you can take the airport shuttle to Marmaris and get off by the Gökova-Akyaka junction. From there it is about 20TL to town by taxi or call us to pick you up.
Or contact us to organise a private pick up from the airport.


PACKAGE Beginner Programme - from 100€ per Course/ Person

Xtra hours (100€):
- 2 hours
- Daily
- 1to1 tuition
- All equipment

Private Course (300€):
- 6 hours
- 2-3 days
- 1to1 tuition
- All equipment

Group Course (300€):
- 8 hours
- 2-3 days
- Group of 2
- All equipment

Weekly Beginner Course (660€):
- 8 hour beginner course
- additional 3 hours 1to1 tuition
- 6 days
- 3 days rental
- use of all facilities at the base
- all beach transfers
We can also organise airport transfers, accommodation, additional hours of tuition and please contact us for discounted group lessons.

PACKAGE Freeride Programme - from 40€ per Course/ Person

Group lesson (40€):
- 1 hour
- Group of 2

Private Course (50€):
- 1 hour
- 1to1 tuition

Boat session (65€):
- 1 hour
- 1to1 tuition
- boat, radio and instructor support, deep water

Weekend Warriors (200€):
- 4 hours
- 2 days
- Group 2-4 days

Weekly Freeride Programme (500€):
- 6 hours
- 1to1 tuition
- 6 days equipment

PACKAGE Freestyle Programme

Oldschool Programme (50€):
- 1 hour
- 1to1 tuition
- granted progression

Thare are more than 500 combinations of oldschool tricks. Explore your limits and enjoy the smoothest freestyle of the entire world of sports. Use your kite against gravity and add height, spins, boardoffs ect. to envy your sessions.

Newschool Programme (50€):
- 1 hour
- 1to1 tuition
- granted progression

As you get it from its name this is the new generation of freestyle tricks. It is basicly unhook tricks while your kite is stable in the power zone. Here we offer a detailed programme which starts with baby steps and focuses on your safety. Using helmet, impact vest and warm up sessions on land are must.

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