Pure Flow Motions (Algarve, Portugal)

Sítio da Baleeira, Sagres, Algarve 8650-357, Portugal
Tap to call 0034 679 375 341
630.00€ - 630.00€ Pure Flow Motions (Algarve, Portugal) Sítio da Baleeira, Sagres, Algarve, 8650-357, Portugal 0034 679 375 341 1 Package A Dummy 10
Surf and Yoga Retreat Surf and Yoga Retreat, full board, Surf and Yoga lessons / Package A / Minimum days 1 Maximum days 100 / Min people 1 Max people 100 / 1 630 Saturday, 01 January 2050
Pure Flow Motions (Algarve, Portugal) Sítio da Baleeira, Sagres, Algarve, 8650-357, Portugal 0034 679 375 341 630.00€ - 630.00€ 10 10 Great holiday I have never felt so utterly satisfied, grateful and happy with a holiday! A great hiking, surf and yoga retreat, It was a wonderful balance of activities. Also it was great that people can opt in/out activities if they felt like a quiet time. Thank you! - - Pure Flow Motions (Algarve, Portugal) Sítio da Baleeira, Sagres, Algarve, 8650-357, Portugal 0034 679 375 341 630.00€ - 630.00€ 10 10 Life changing experience I can honestly say the week I spent with pure flow motions has changed my life! The feeling of complete health and inner peace that you helped cultivate during that week has left me with an addiction for chasing my dreams and that feeling of a deeper connection with my natural state of being - - Pure Flow Motions (Algarve, Portugal) Sítio da Baleeira, Sagres, Algarve, 8650-357, Portugal 0034 679 375 341 630.00€ - 630.00€ 10 10 A week of fun, activity and relaxation in a beautiful setting Pure Flow Motions is a week of fun, activity and relaxation in a beautiful setting. The hotel has a wonderful location, the rooms are spacious and well appointed and the breakfast has a good selection for all tastes. Michael, Nicolau and Marta are all inspiring people and instructors, I learned many things from all of them. The yoga sessions were suitable for all levels and were well suited to our other activities. The surf lessons were fun, lots of laughter and everyone felt they achieved something. The hikes across the bluffs were made very informative, the scenery was made more beautiful by knowing about the plants and rock formations. Everyday we were served a warm vegetarian lunch at the beach or on the trail and the evening meals were enjoyable back at the hotel after the second yoga session. I can't recommend this retreat highly enough, it was well run and we felt the instructors were having as much fun as we were. After a week I felt very relaxed and much more flexible, I hope to keep up my yoga practice until I have a chance to go back for another stay with Pure Flow Motions. Thank you to everyone involved. - - Pure Flow Motions (Algarve, Portugal) Sítio da Baleeira, Sagres, Algarve, 8650-357, Portugal 0034 679 375 341 630.00€ - 630.00€ 10 10 A perfect mix of good energies, mindfulness and sport Thank you Michael, Marta, and Nicolau! This retreat was more than what I expected. A perfect mix of good energies, mindfulness and sport. A full program with some moments of freedom and relax. The hotel was super comfortable, very beautiful, quiet and contemporary. The view was amazing and the yoga lessons every morning and evening were real moment of pleasure.I keep practicing in Paris every morning (for surfing and hiking in the city it's more difficult !) I hope you will continue this retreat every year. Enjoy your winter! - - Pure Flow Motions (Algarve, Portugal) Sítio da Baleeira, Sagres, Algarve, 8650-357, Portugal 0034 679 375 341 630.00€ - 630.00€ 10 10 Amazing holiday You guys are wonderful, complementary dream team! I came here with no expectations for the yoga and surfing and you opened up a whole new world for me. We walked through ourselves during yoga and meditation and we walked through nature with an open mind. You made us come more in contact with ourselves and with nature and the ocean. I was amazed by the thrill of surfing. I hope I can come back soon to ride the waves of our mind and the ocean with you guys again! Keep the good work! Love you! - -
Average Rating: 10.0
Total Votes:5
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An ideal active surf yoga retreat in the sunny south of Portugal in Europe.

Pure Flow Motions retreats to reconnect mind and body through surfing yoga meditation qigong and nature walks. The surf yoga holidays and retreats are held in a beautiful 4* hotel in the Algarve , Portugal overlooking the ocean. Training mind and body through yoga classes,  surf, meditation and hiking develop a happy and healthy mind. We welcome you to join one of the surf yoga meditation retreats/holidays in Portugal for a happy and connected life!

The retreats will be held in a fantastic 4* Memmo Baleeira hotel in Sagres, Algarve , Portugal in Europe. In the months April, May, June, September, October and November.  

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Finding a place like the West Coast of the Algarve  in Portugal is like finding a secret paradise or an Oasis in the middle of a wide desert. We all had this feeling when we first arrived here. We felt the real powerful nature of Portugal and the strong energy of the Atlantic Ocean as we watched the  waves from far away and finish here in these shores of Portugal.

The surf yoga retreat is held in the beautiful wild southwest of Portugal, in the mythical town of Sagres. You are going to be sleeping in a wonderful 4 design hotel overlooking the Atlantic Ocean .  A perfect place for this retreat to relax and enjoy the local outdoor activities and of course to experience nature to the full, starting with the sunrise which you can watch  from your room – It rises just in front of the bay window behind the protected islands of Martinhal.  If you are more of a sunset person you can either bike or drive towards the famous Cape Saint Vincent and watch from there the most amazing sunset of the western world.  Almost like an island, the south west coast of the Algarve in Portugal Europe, is a narrow peninsula surrounded by the Ocean from west to south.


"A surf, yoga and hiking week to recharge and connect your life with the big LIFE...."

Take a week to cultivate contentment, peace and real happiness.  In this week course you will learn the techniques to develop a healthy, content and truly rich life.

Discover the beautiful nature of the wild SW Portugal and enjoy surfing (or just come relax on the beach) and hiking along the coastline with twice daily yoga, meditation, QiGong  and mindfulness classes and off course ... delicious food ;)

It is the ideal retreat to re-establish a deep connection with your inner true Self and Nature, realizing you are part of something greater then yourself.

During your stay you will dedicate your time to deeply reconnect and rediscover your Mind & Body. This happens in a beautiful environment so you can also relax and rest at the same time.

Our commitment is to make this retreat a profound experience, to train awareness and boost your physical health, to re-energize your life in an active  way, developing a healthy, happy and connected state of being to live a full and happy life.

The surfing and yoga  retreat is for all levels. For surfing : Beginners get classes and more advanced surfers  get surf guidance and improvement lessons deepening their surfing skills by training balance, flexibility and strength. Surfing is not obligatory, as some guests sometimes prefer to relax on the beach. The yoga session/classes are for all yoga levels and surfing is optional.

Our Philosophy

Life is a great ocean of potentials. We are sailing on this ocean and we are the captain of our own ship. In order to set our destination and to sail where we want to sail, we have to maintain our vessel in good condition, we need to know the workings of our ship, the workings of the tides, the currents and the weather.

So too must we know the workings of our mind in order to create and to live fully. If we want to learn we have to pay attention. Attention, awareness or consciousness is something that we tend to lack during most of our lives. if we want to feel the connection with the Moment, the NOW, or God, the Creator or what ever way one looks at it, or whatever one wants to call it we have to become sensitive and conscious. We are a part of universal creation just as creation is a part of us. When we awaken we can flow and create harmoniously with the universal creative force.

We are conscious, sensitive and creative beings that have the power and the right to decide our state of mind. We experience this life with both our body and mind.  If they are healthy and 'correctly tuned', a harmonious life unfolds in and around us. If we are unaware of the workings of them and live with  unconsciously, we will be victims of all the negative states our thoughts and actions produce in our daily life. We can train our mind and body to become more aware and more conscious about our lives and the reality it produces. During this surf yoga retreat in Portugal you will develop a more content, creative and peaceful state of mind for a more enjoyable  and connected life.


Our Passion: Yoga, surf & hiking in the beautiful wild nature of SW Portugal.

The three of us share the same passion for this beautiful place and so, one day we dreamt of designing a retreat that would combine all of these activities that we love in this very special place, the wild south west Portugal. 

We combined our different skills in activities that complement each other along with a healthy diet within a luxurious and yet simple ocean view 4
design hotel. Pure flow motions was born!

It has been pure joy, teaching and sharing this passion with all our guests.

Michael Bijker is from the Netherlands and has been traveling around the world encountering more knowledge for his passion for body and mind work, especially Mediation, Yoga, Qi Gong, Tai-chi, Surfing and other techniques.
After his traveling and selfdevelopment he found this piece of paradise in Europe to be the ideal place to set up this kind of retreats with surfing yoga meditation and other activities. Focusing on the importance of connecting the mind and the body throughout the awarness that you can get from mind and body exercises helping each person to get to know it's real nature and essence, helping each person with a wonderful technique to free your mind.

Michael is a certified 800hr YogaAlliance teacher with a yoga therapy certification from Paramanand institute of yoga sciences & research,Indore.  The yoga taught  during the yoga course in this week will be in the styles of Iyengar, Hatha, Vinyasa and mindfulness to really be able to deepen your practice whether you are practising for years allready or complete beginner.

Nicolau da Costa is half Portuguese, half English. Having travelled around the world, Nicolau's passion drew him back to this part of the world in Europe where he was brought up in order to dedicate himself to activities that are more directly linked to nature. He has experienced a wide range of activities connected with the ocean and the land, as sailing, diving, professional fishing, surfing, natural bee keeping and organic agriculture, landscape arquitecture and Nature Guiding. His best skill is his deep connection with Nature and his local knowledge of this territory of Portugal. Because of his intimate relationship with nature he is the right person to be guided by through this landscape . Nicolau chose to return to his roots making it his home again. His greatest pleasure as a nature Guide is to share the beauty and secrets of this magnificient landscape with other people, in a sustainable, responsible and generous way.

Marta Mealha was born and raised in Portugal. Originaly from the centre of the Algarve, she as been coming to surf to this area since a very young age. 11 years ago she decided to move defenitively to the Natural Park of Vicentina Coast (Southwest Algarve Portugal) and set up a surf school so she could live within the ocean surroundings, live among unspoilt nature and, of couse, to SURF! So she has been a surf teacher for the last 10 years aswell as a local surf guide. With a wide experience and knowledge of the local surf breaks she will be the best person to get you in touch with the ocean and help you enjoy the purest form of surfing -  with your body or with a surfboard. Together with yoga and nature walks, surfing is a great aspect in order to create a blanced mind and body during the retreats in Portugal.



The Pure Flow Motions Retreats will be taking place in one of the most beautiful hotels in Portugal, the Memmo Baleeira Hotel in Sagres. This beautiful 4* design hotel is located right in front of the Baleeira Bay on the Atlantic Ocean, with a beach at the bottom of the gardens' hotel and has many other beaches in its vicinity.

The hotel has Spa facilities which are free for use for participants of our retreat. So after a surf have a nice Spa or turkish steambath.

Located in the most SW point of Europe,  Sagres is surrounded by Ocean and beautiful wilderness. A perfect location to reconnect mind and body with nature.

Luxury yoga retreat with a view.

The Memmo Baleeira design hotel has a great yoga room overlooking the Baleeira bay. There will als be yoga and QiGong sessions on the beach and in the forest.

Your suite for the week.

During this week we have reserved the suites of the hotel where the participants of the Pure Flow Motions surf yoga and hiking retreats will be staying. There are 5 Oceanview suites with large sliding glass doors for direct acces to the beach and garden. 3 others are landview.

A suite consists of a bedroom, bathroom and a livingroom with kitchen.

Sauna and detox time.

This week is about well-being for your body and mind. In the hotel there is a space especially for your health and relaxation, with a range of offers from a simple massage to specific treatments by specialists. There is a Turkish bath, a sauna and an heated indoor pool.

The participants of the Pure Flow Motions yoga weeks can make free use of the Spa facilities of the hotellike turkish steambath, sauna, indoor swimming pool . (massages also available)


Included in our Packages are: 

3 healthy,  high quality vegetarian meals daily, made from mostly locally grown products.
Delicious buffet breakfast.
Fresh fruits, tea,  snacks and drinks.

Breakfast is served in the breakfast room along with other hotel guests.
Warm home made lunches are brought to you where ever the outdoor activities happen every day, that is on the top of a cliff or on a beach.
Dinner is served in the hotel’s restaurant. 



With the help of our specialized crew, you are led through the natural elements in Portugal, as Water and Land; an experience which has something to offer to each one of us.
The Pure Flow Motions surf yoga retreats are designed for people that are looking for an insight on their life in a harmonious way, treating both body and mind to become more awake and aware of their lives. In a natural environment our senses can awaken and our body begins to feel more free to experience some new challenges.

Surfing is a full experience with nature as well as a therapy. For us surfing is the sport that is more connected with one of our favourite elements, Water: the Ocean. Feeling the energy of the waves and understanding that you can use this to have fun and  to enjoy this ride with the help of a board is a unique feeling of freedom. This area is perfect for a surf yoga retreat in Portugal. Ideal for surfing, weather you just start to surf or surf for a long time already. The retreat is both beginners and advanced surfers.

Yoga exercises are the essential elements  to connect  with your mind, body and Nature. The yoga will be in the styles of Iyengar, Yin, Shivananda and Mindfulness. In the mornings the yoga sessions will be more active to get you ready to ride the waves during the day, get more aware of your body, achieve more flexibility and go beyond your limits.

In the afternoon more relaxing and restorative to give you the necessary  relaxation and inner peace just before a great vegetarian meal and a restorative sleep.

This surf yoga retreat is lik a intense yoga course in which you will deepen your understanding whether you are a complete beginner or if you have been practising for many years allready .

Michael Bijker will do the yoga and meditation classes on the retreat. He first got into contact with yoga in 1999 and since then has developed a rich understanding of the practice. He is a 800hr YA certified teacher with a yoga therapy certificate.

Nature walks. The best way to really experience the Natural Park in which this retreat takes place, is hiking through it at a gentle rythm. This surf yoga retreat in the south west tip of Europe will get you fully connected with nature in the most purest form, hiking along the cliffs, valleys and hills. We choose amazing trails to reveal some of the Algarve's most secret places. You´ll get the joy from walking on these breathtaking paths guided by a local nature guide that  provides you with valuable information about it's unique flora and fauna, geology and local culture of SW Portugal in the most southwestern point of Europe.

Meditation is extremely helpful for a conscious and free mind. Training it in a positive way makes you more ready for your daily challenges and your look into life will be broader and connected to the LIFE.



The closest airport is Faro  or you can fly to Lisbon.

Airport transfer to hotel is not included in the price.

There are several options to get to the hotel:

- From Faro airport you can either rent a car at the airport and drive to us
-  Or you can  ask for a taxi transfer from Faro aiport which costs 95 €
- Or check http://www.resorthoppa.com/ for an airport shutle service to get to the hotel .
- Or catch a train* or bus to the town of Lagos (30 kms from Sagres where we hold our retreats)
- On the startingday of the retreat ( usualy sunday) there will be a pickup from Lagos at around 14:00.  Otherwise take a bus or taxi from lagos to Sagres

If you need help in finding timetables for trains, email us and we will help you to find the easiest way and time to commute to us.


SURF AND YOGA RETREAT- from 630 € per Week / Person

This package includes:

- 6 night stay in 4 * Design Hotel  in a suite
- Free use of Spa and Gym, Sauna, indoor swimming pool, turkish steambath and outdoor swimming pool
-  3 healthy,  high quality vegetarian daily meals (mostly locally grown products)
- Delicious buffet breakfast
- Fresh fruits, tea,  snacks and drinks. 
- 11 session of 90min Yoga and Mind&Motion classes (Meditation, Hatha Yoga, Qi Gong, Mindfull excersises)
- A meditation course
- Singing bowls session 
- A deep meditation session with  tibetan singing bowls  
- 3 Surf lessons (qualified teachers, surf gear and insurance included)
- 2 Hiking tours and Nature Walks


DATES 2018   Shared (3 persons) Double (2 persons) Single (1 person)
May, November 2018
Rooms N/A 899 € 1099 €
  Suites 899 € 999 € 1299 €
June, September,
October 2018
Rooms N/A 999 € 1249 €
  Suites 1049 € 1199 € 1399 €



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Pure Flow Motions (Algarve, Portugal) Average Rating: 10.0 Total Votes: 5

10/10 100%
10/10 100%
10/10 100%
10/10 100%
Value for money
10/10 100%
10/10 100%
This reviewer told us :

You guys are wonderful, complementary dream team! I came here with no expectations for the yoga and surfing and you opened up a whole new world for me. We walked through ourselves during yoga and meditation and we walked through nature with an open mind. You made us come more in contact with ourselves and with nature and the ocean. I was amazed by the thrill of surfing. I hope I can come back soon to ride the waves of our mind and the ocean with you guys again! Keep the good work! Love you!



Other (e.g. Surroundings, Nightlife, etc.):



10/10 100%
10/10 100%
10/10 100%
10/10 100%
Value for money
10/10 100%
10/10 100%
This reviewer told us :

Thank you Michael, Marta, and Nicolau! This retreat was more than what I expected. A perfect mix of good energies, mindfulness and sport. A full program with some moments of freedom and relax. The hotel was super comfortable, very beautiful, quiet and contemporary. The view was amazing and the yoga lessons every morning and evening were real moment of pleasure.I keep practicing in Paris every morning (for surfing and hiking in the city it's more difficult !) I hope you will continue this retreat every year. Enjoy your winter!



Other (e.g. Surroundings, Nightlife, etc.):



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Wavesensations (Algarve, Portugal) starstarstar at approximate 0.28 km
Prices from 343.00€ per week
Freeride Sagres (Algarve, Portugal) starstarstar at approximate 0.43 km
Prices from 270.00€ per week
Prices from 126.00€ per week
Prices from 300.00€ per week
Prices from 389.00€ per week
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