$273.00 - $273.0011 Te Arai Point Road,
Te Arai,
New Zealand+34 828 668 8991Package ADummy10
/ Package A / Tage min. 1 Tage max. 365 / Min. Belegung 1 Max. Belegung 100 / 1
$ 273
Samstag, 01. Januar 2050
Aotearoa Surf School & Eco Pods (Te Arai, Neuseeland)11 Te Arai Point Road,
Te Arai,
New Zealand+34 828 668 899$273.00 - $273.00Anon910This four days have been so special for us - Totally amazing inspirational leaders. Dear Che and the AMAZING TEAM. I want to say an almighty thank you. This four days have been so special for us - we have watched our girl grow in confidence and resilience. For someone who is locked into a different world to most of us, who processes life so unusually, the challenges you set pushed her to her limits beautifully and she has blossomed. I never thought that she'd ever want to even have a go - let alone ride a wave!!! Everyday we expected her to say 'I'm not going back’. You guys are inspirational leaders - your passion and love for the water is infectious. She'll be back - weekly lessons coming up. -Aotearoa Surf School & Eco Pods (Te Arai, Neuseeland)11 Te Arai Point Road,
Te Arai,
New Zealand+34 828 668 899$273.00 - $273.00Anon910Great shop, great guys! - Great shop, great guys. I had a 2 hour lesson with Cam on Thursday and the instruction was so good I was consistently standing up within an hour. Was given constant tips. On Friday I rented a board and suit for a half day, the equipment they have is very high quality. When I was down on the water one of the guys from the shop happened to be down with another lesson but still shouted tips out to me because he recognised me and remembered my name, which is a small detail but it shows they care about what they do. -
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