Surfcamps Cantabria

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Booking on request


Northern Spain

Los Llaos, Cantabria, Spain

The Atlantic coast of Cantabria, northern Spain, the "Costa Verde", is called the "green coast". In the region around San Vicente de la Barquera break powerful waves that...

Prices from
19.85€  per week
2.84€ For 1 night
19.85€  per week
Prices from
2.84€ For 1 night
property image
Booking on request


Northern Spain

San Vicente de la Barquera, Cantabria, Spain

Our Planet Surf Camp in San Vicente de la Barquera is located on the camping El Rosario right behind the dunes and only 80m from the beach. The camp lays in the shade of ...

Prices from
149.00€  per week
21.29€ For 1 night
149.00€  per week
Prices from
21.29€ For 1 night
property image
Booking on request


Northern Spain

Suances, Cantabria, Spain

Bio Surf Camp is a unique place, located in the village of Suances, where you can relax and share an experience close to nature while you practice surf. This combination ...

Prices from
23.00€ Per week
23.00€ For 1 night
23.00€ Per week
Prices from
23.00€ For 1 night
property image
Booking on request


Northern Spain

Somo, Cantabria, Spain

The Surf Camp, "Escuela de Surf & Bodyboard Cantabra" In 1991, on "Somo Beach" (Cantabria) and is on the other side of the bay of Santander, the capital of Cantabria. By ...

Prices from
400.00€  per week
57.14€ For 1 night
400.00€  per week
Prices from
57.14€ For 1 night
property image
Booking on request


Northern Spain

Somo, Cantabria, Spain

Let the noise of the waves cradle you among splendid panoramas. The nature will be the true protagonist, and you will discover its strength and you will become its lover....

Prices from
175.00€  per week
25.00€ For 1 night
175.00€  per week
Prices from
25.00€ For 1 night
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