Surfcamps Galicia

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Booking on request


Northern Spain

Valdoviño, Galicia, Spain

The Camino Surf Camp in Valdoviño, Galicia - the perfect spot to indulge in the beauties of waveriding. The four kilometer long, white sandy beach just 300 meters from th...

Prices from
279.00€  per week
39.86€ For 1 night
279.00€  per week
Prices from
39.86€ For 1 night
property image
Booking on request


Northern Spain

Ferrol, Galicia, Spain

Welcome to WaveRocker Surfcamp!No matter if you are a complete novice or have already surfed a few waves – in our camp you will get the type of surfing lessons that suit ...

Prices from
349.00€  per week
49.86€ For 1 night
349.00€  per week
Prices from
49.86€ For 1 night
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Booking on request


Northern Spain

Razo, Galicia, Spain

It is located on Playa de Razo artsurfcamp that belongs to the municipality of Carballo. It is the province of A Corunna, on the coast "Costa da Morte", which extends fro...

Prices from
70.71€  per week
10.10€ For 1 night
70.71€  per week
Prices from
10.10€ For 1 night
property image
Booking on request


Northern Spain

Ferrol, Galicia, Spain

Welcome to The Camp Doniños,Our experienced local team and surf guides will show you which wave suits your surf level best and after a spot introduction will go paddle ou...

Prices from
378.00€  per week
54.00€ For 1 night
378.00€  per week
Prices from
54.00€ For 1 night
property image
Booking on request



Valdoviño, Galicia, Spain

Alawa Surf School comes from the idea of capturing the experience and knowledge of the sport by David and Estitxu Estremo (Double European champion in Surf), and it could...

Prices from
140.00€  per week
20.00€ For 1 night
140.00€  per week
Prices from
20.00€ For 1 night
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