Surfcamps seignosse

property image
Booking on request


Vieux Boucau, Cap Ferret & Seignosse

Seignosse, Aquitaine, France

The original Maranga’s Surfvilla in Seignosse is an institution at the Atlantic coast since 10 years. All facilities are settled in a unique venue. From the garden you ca...

Prices from
197.10€  per week
28.16€ For 1 night
197.10€  per week
Prices from
28.16€ For 1 night
property image
Booking on request



Seignosse, Aquitaine, France

Our love for surfing along with a wealth of experience and expertise, we have exceptional knowledge of this beautiful part of the world and what it has to offer. Founded ...

Prices from
499.00€  per week
71.29€ For 1 night
499.00€  per week
Prices from
71.29€ For 1 night
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