Surfcamps vendays-montalivet

property image
Booking on request



Vendays Montalivet, Aquitaine, France

In the Surf & Yoga Camp you learn surfing in 12 professional lessons every week and if you want you can also surf with our rental equipment outside of the course times.Wh...

Prices from
299.00€  per week
42.71€ For 1 night
299.00€  per week
Prices from
42.71€ For 1 night
property image
Booking on request


France superior

Vendays Montalivet, Aquitaine, France

Family surf camp in France for adventures families that like great accommodation, healthy food and loads of activities. We are located on French Atlantic cost in the hear...

Prices from
199.00€  per week
28.43€ For 1 night
199.00€  per week
Prices from
28.43€ For 1 night
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