Surf Paradise Morocco (Tamraght, Marokko)

Route de essouira, Tamraght, Agadir 800000, Morocco
Tippen Sie anrufen +34 679375341
90.00€ - 90.00€ Surf Paradise Morocco (Tamraght, Marokko) Route de essouira, Tamraght, Agadir, 800000, Morocco +34 679375341 1 Package A Dummy 10
Tariff / / Tage min. 1 Tage max. 365 / Min. Belegung 1 Max. Belegung 100 / 1 90 Samstag, 01. Januar 2050
Surf Paradise Morocco (Tamraght, Marokko) Route de essouira, Tamraght, Agadir, 800000, Morocco +34 679375341 90.00€ - 90.00€ 9 10 Amazing surf hostel Our stay at Surf Paradise Morocco was great, the rooms where nice, cozy and in a beautiful Moroccan style. The atmosphere was great, the staff super helpful and there were a lot of activities organised each day. We enjoyed the great few from the terrace where we also joined wonderful sunset yoga sessions. Also very tasty and healthy Moroccan food. Great surfing with very good instructors. Groups were always small, which ment a lot of personal attention and helpful tips, which definitely improved my surfing! The instructors always brought us to the place with the best waves that day. Tamraght is a quieter place, but both Agadir and Taghazout are close by, which makes it a perfect location for those who want to escape the more crowded places. Also surfing is always close by.

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Surf Paradise Morocco (Tamraght, Marokko)

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