Surfaris Surf Camp(Crescend Head, Australien)

271 Loftus Rd., Crescent Head, NSW, Australian Capital Territory 2440, Australia
Tippen Sie anrufen 0034 679 375 341
$840.00 - $840.00 Surfaris Surf Camp(Crescend Head, Australien) 271 Loftus Rd., Crescent Head, NSW, Australian Capital Territory, 2440, Australia 0034 679 375 341 1 Package A Dummy 10
Package D One Week Surfcourse including Accomondation, Surfing equipment and food / / Tage min. 2 Tage max. 100 / Min. Belegung 1 Max. Belegung 100 / 2 $ 840 Samstag, 01. Januar 2050
Surfaris Surf Camp(Crescend Head, Australien) 271 Loftus Rd., Crescent Head, NSW, Australian Capital Territory, 2440, Australia 0034 679 375 341 $840.00 - $840.00 7 10 Awesome Surfaris Surf Camp was one of the best weeks of my life. The accommodation was so relaxing, the days were filled with catching awesome waves, and the nights were filled with music and dancing. And can we talk about the food? The meals we ate were so delicious and I wish someone cooked for me like that all the time. I had never surfed before in my life and was up on the board within the first hour out there. The staff are amazing; so friendly and the guides make you feel comfortable out in the water.... Great for families, groups, or even going solo. We were introduced to the other people in the camp and felt like we were sort of a big family. ?I would definitely go back and recommend surfaris if you want to have one of the best weeks of your life. Surfaris Surf Camp(Crescend Head, Australien) 271 Loftus Rd., Crescent Head, NSW, Australian Capital Territory, 2440, Australia 0034 679 375 341 $840.00 - $840.00 8 10 great surf camp I got a private room and paid a bit extra, the motel rooms are really nice and comfortable.  share accomodation is good to but i liked my own space. It is great how you can have a group of people with different surf skills.  In the group their were beginners and some more advanced, all are catered for. Early mornings of waking up and watching the sunrise then surfing is magic. The food, accomodation, staff and surf lessons are all  delivered at a high standard at Surfaris. I have been on other surf camps and highlight Surfaris as the best. Its not a party camp, a real surf camp with all your focus on getting the best waves for the day. Yoga we did on the beach and back at the lodge - a must do to relax your muscles,  I loved the place and will be back soon. Thankyou Rossco. Surfaris Surf Camp(Crescend Head, Australien) 271 Loftus Rd., Crescent Head, NSW, Australian Capital Territory, 2440, Australia 0034 679 375 341 $840.00 - $840.00 8 10 What a week! Accommodation was fantastic. So enjoyed my 5 days at Surfaris. Had surfed only twice before, thought i would give it another go while in australia. Chose Surfaris as it was recommended and has been around for over 20 years. These guys know what they are doing. Up early in the morning out all day and surfing at a variety of spots. The weeks conditions were perfect. My best memory was endless right handers (surf jargon i learnt !!!!!) at BigHill. All the equipment is quality, food is excellent and I recommend Surfaris to anybody who wants to learn to surf.

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Surfaris Surf Camp(Crescend Head, Australien)

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