Surfmoments (Alentejo, Portugal)

Zulassungsnummer 4505/AL

Travessa Cruz das Almas, no.20, Baleal, Baleal, Baixo Alentejo 7645-317, Portugal
Tippen Sie anrufen +34 828 668 899
245.00€ - 245.00€ Surfmoments (Alentejo, Portugal) Travessa Cruz das Almas, no.20, Baleal, Baleal, Baixo Alentejo, 7645-317, Portugal +34 828 668 899
Tariff / / Tage min. 1 Tage max. 365 / Min. Belegung 1 Max. Belegung 100 / 1 245 Samstag, 01. Januar 2050
Surfmoments (Alentejo, Portugal) Travessa Cruz das Almas, no.20, Baleal, Baleal, Baixo Alentejo, 7645-317, Portugal +34 828 668 899 245.00€ - 245.00€ 9 10 Friendly atmosphere! Friendly atmosphere, clean rooms, ideal for those, who want to surf and learn how to do it, ideal for those who travel alone and want to meet new interesting people who share same interest in surfing - - Surfmoments (Alentejo, Portugal) Travessa Cruz das Almas, no.20, Baleal, Baleal, Baixo Alentejo, 7645-317, Portugal +34 828 668 899 245.00€ - 245.00€ 10 10 Thank you Carla! Thanks to this trip I got a thrill that can not be put into words! This is one of the best places on earth, where no doubt I will be back! Thank you Carla! - -

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Surfmoments (Alentejo, Portugal)

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