Vineyard Eladío (Tenerife, Spain)

C. Virgen del Pino, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Tenerife, Canarias 38595, Spain
Tap to call +34 828 680 066
175.00€ - 175.00€ Vineyard Eladío (Tenerife, Spain) C. Virgen del Pino, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Tenerife, Canarias, 38595, Spain +34 828 680 066 1 Only Surf Course A Vineyard Eladío Surf Package

Together with our friends from Fins First Surfschool we offer the Eladío Surf Experience for all levels. A week of surfing with food and accommodation included. During this week you discover the best surf spots on the island with the help of a certified instructor. The experience also includes yoga and stretches in the morning, surf-theory lessons, a sunset picnic on Teide and many more activities we provide here in the Eladío camp.

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