Beach Break Surf Camp (Venao, Panama)

Main Street, Playa Venao, Los Santos 00000, Panama
Toque para llamar +34 828 680 066
$595.00 - $595.00 Beach Break Surf Camp (Venao, Panama) Main Street, Playa Venao, Los Santos, 00000, Panama +34 828 680 066 1 Package A Dummy 10
Tariff / / Días mínimos 1 Días máximos 365 / Personas mínimas 1 Personas maximas 100 / 1 $ 595 Sábado, 01 Enero 2050
Beach Break Surf Camp (Venao, Panama) Main Street, Playa Venao, Los Santos, 00000, Panama +34 828 680 066 $595.00 - $595.00 10 10 I couldn't believe the progress I made in my surfing After years of feeling stuck in my progression the coaches at Beach Break really helped me advance. I loved the video analysis! It really helps being able to see yourself surf and correct your mistakes Beach Break Surf Camp (Venao, Panama) Main Street, Playa Venao, Los Santos, 00000, Panama +34 828 680 066 $595.00 - $595.00 10 10 Amazing week The location is beautiful, but it was the staff that really made this trip special. We had surf lessons with the kids in the morning and we, the parents, went in the afternoon. They also have a martial arts studio with kids and adult classes. My kids now love Brazilian Jiu Jitsu! Beach Break Surf Camp (Venao, Panama) Main Street, Playa Venao, Los Santos, 00000, Panama +34 828 680 066 $595.00 - $595.00 10 10 very good Camp I was so nervous traveling alone for the first time, but immediately felt more comfortable once arriving to Beach Break. The staff are super friendly and attentive. My surf instructor got me riding green waves by the end of my week long Surf Camp. And I have the pictures to prove it!

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