Selina Surf Club Isla Colón (Isla Colon, Panama)

Calle 1B, Isla Colón, Bocas del Toro 0101, Panama
Toque para llamar 0034 679 375 341
363.00€ - 363.00€ Selina Surf Club Isla Colón (Isla Colon, Panama) Calle 1B, Isla Colón, Bocas del Toro, 0101, Panama 0034 679 375 341 1 Package A Dummy 10
Tariff / / Días mínimos 1 Días máximos 365 / Personas mínimas 1 Personas maximas 100 / 1 363 Sábado, 01 Enero 2050
Selina Surf Club Isla Colón (Isla Colon, Panama) Calle 1B, Isla Colón, Bocas del Toro, 0101, Panama 0034 679 375 341 363.00€ - 363.00€ 10 10 Suprema atencion! Mas que satisfechos con la atencion de los chicos de Selina! Una estadia increiiiible, fiesta, limpieza, servicios de primera. Una mencion especial al tano Nicolo,y mi pana nadiuska que ayudaron a pasar unos dias inolvidables en Bocas! Cabe destacarar, los de servicios de tour del hostel, muy recomendables. - - Selina Surf Club Isla Colón (Isla Colon, Panama) Calle 1B, Isla Colón, Bocas del Toro, 0101, Panama 0034 679 375 341 363.00€ - 363.00€ 10 10 Vacaciones Muy lindo hostel para pasar la vacaciones y conocer gente , habitaciones grandes y limpias al igual que el staff siempre a disposición con la mejor onda. En mi estadía la pasamos excelente. La ubicación perfecta.. - - Selina Surf Club Isla Colón (Isla Colon, Panama) Calle 1B, Isla Colón, Bocas del Toro, 0101, Panama 0034 679 375 341 363.00€ - 363.00€ 10 10 Buen Fin de Semana La estancia fue muy grata, buen recibimiento, el bar es genial así como el personal que lo atiende, en nuestro caso nos trató super bien Joshua y nos hizo sentir en confianza como si viviéramos en Bocas. - La ubicación es perfecta para todos los gustos ya que está cerca de todo.
Valoración media: 10.0
Votos totales:3
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Los sitios de surf en Panamá tienen algunos de los mejores sitios de surf en toda Centroamérica. Ya sea que te gusten los saltos de puntos, los descansos en la playa, los tubos huecos o las paredes largas, Panamá tiene una variedad de descansos para acomodar el estilo y la habilidad de todos. Pocas personas saben sobre el potencial de navegación de Panamá, y aún permanece fuera del radar de la mayoría de la comunidad de surfistas, que es una gran ventaja para los surfistas que vienen a quedarse en Selina Surf Clun Isla Colón-Bocas del Toro.
Colorido, el Caribe Bocas del Toro siempre ha sido legendario. Hecho famoso por los afro-caribeños que llegaron a trabajar en las plantaciones de bananas cercanas, Pueblo de Bocas se ha convertido en una meca multicultural. Soñadora, surrealista y seductora, el pueblo de Bocas cautivará tu corazón con sus cocoteros y agua azul verdosa.
Disminuya la velocidad y absorba las vibraciones caribeñas: la isla, los arrecifes y las playas pueden atraerlo, pero es la energía lo que le hará desear quedarse.
Ahora con Selina Surf Club Isla Colon en la mezcla, ¡este entorno parece más surrealista que nunca!

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Panama has some of the best surf breaks in all Central America! Whether you like point breaks, beach breaks, hollow tubes, or long peelers, panama has a variety of surf breaks to accommodate your style. Panama is still virgin and you can catch most of the best surf spots by yourself with your buddies. Few people know about Panama´s surfing potential, which is a big plus for surfers who visiti! However, you better go soon because Panama is becoming more and more popular for surfers from around the globe.
Bocas del Toro has been compared with some places in Indonesia, the bottom drop off in his coast and the produce powerfull waves. From beginner to advance, there is a wave for everyone along one of Panama´s hundreds of beaches. Unpaved roads, boats to get from one island to another and hidden paradises have kept these magnificient beaches from becoming overcrowded and will have you feeling as though you are entering a secret paradise.
Bocas del TOro has become one of the top destination surf spots for surfers in search of the best waves in Panamá. Beginners, inermediate and advance surfers alike can find a perfect breaking wave that caters to their level of experience. Selina Surf Club is located in Isla Colon spot, just 10 minutes by boat of the rest of the most important spots in the area. Seasonal conditions

Panama surfing is definitely recommended, is a legendary surfing location and is seen as more of "hardcore" destination and for the adventurous it could be the trip of a lifetime.
Min Temperature (ºC/ºF): 22º/º72)
Max Temperature (ºC/ºF): 30º/º86)
Water Temperature: around 27ºC. No weetsuite needed
Dry season: February to JUne, September to November
Wet season: December, January, July and August
Major swells: Rainest months: correspond with the swell; it can rain for days on end, but the sun usually comes out a bite every day.


 Panama is bordered by Costa Rica to the west, Colombia to the southeast, the Caribbean sea to the north and the Pacific Ocean to the south. The capital an largest city is Panama City, whose metropolitan area is home to nearly half of the country´s 4 million people. Panamanians believe in general that the word Panama means "abundance of fish, trees and butterflies". Panama was inhabited by several indigenous tribes prior to settlement by Spanish in the 16th century. Panama´s tropical environment supports an abundance of plants. Forest dominate, interrupted in places by grasslands, scrub, and crops and the wildlife is the most diverse in Central America. It is home to many South American species as well as to North America wildlife. The culture is reflected in traditional products, such as woodcarvings, ceremonial mask and pottery, as well as in Panama´s architecture, cuisine and festivals. In earlier times baskets were woven for utilitarian uses, but now many villages rely almost exclusively on income from the baskets they produce for tourist. Panamanian cuisine is a mix of African, Spanish, and Native American techniques, dishes, and ingredients, refelcting its diverse population. 

Ways to get to the camp - From the airport: from Panama City, you can take a direct flight from the Albrook Airport to Bocas del Toro Airport with Air Panama ( from $105 each way). Selina Surf Club Isla Colón is located a few blocks away from the airport, about 5 minutes walking. If you require transportation, taxis are avalaibles on the island.
- Public transportation: from Panama City, you can take a 10-hours bus ride departing from Aldbrook Terminal to Almirante, the closest mainland point to Isla Colon ( around $27). From Almirante take a half-hour water taxi ride to Isla Colon (around $6)

Important details

Formalities: passport valid 6 mnth after you return home is compulsory, a return plane ticket, and $500.
Language: official language Spanish. Second language, English.
Health: no vaccine is required to enter in Panama. Nevertheless, think about taking a treatment against malaria if you wish to hazard in the jungle.
Times difference: UTC-5.
Weather: Panama is a tropical country and only has two season ussually lasts from December to April. The went season from May to November. The Caribbean coast remains humid all year long. Temperatures not change too much.
Enviroment: Panama is also one of the safest places in the world, in general, you can surf, roam the streets, party, or shop care free, at any time day or night.
Water / Electricity: do not drink the tap water and bring along medicine for intentinal problems. Use an American outlet with flat connections because the electric current is 110V.
Currency: the local currency is Balboa (PAB) but it not expoetable. We recommend you to have US dollars in small denominations and change on the way there Credit cards are not accepted everywhere.


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Selina Surf Club Isla Colón (Isla Colon, Panama) Valoración media: 10.0 Votos totales: 3

10/10 100%
10/10 100%
10/10 100%
10/10 100%
Relación calidad-precio
10/10 100%
10/10 100%
Este cliente nos dijo :

La estancia fue muy grata, buen recibimiento, el bar es genial así como el personal que lo atiende, en nuestro caso nos trató super bien Joshua y nos hizo sentir en confianza como si viviéramos en Bocas.




La ubicación es perfecta para todos los gustos ya que está cerca de todo.


10/10 100%
10/10 100%
10/10 100%
10/10 100%
Relación calidad-precio
10/10 100%
10/10 100%
Este cliente nos dijo :

Muy lindo hostel para pasar la vacaciones y conocer gente , habitaciones grandes y limpias al igual que el staff siempre a disposición con la mejor onda. En mi estadía la pasamos excelente. La ubicación perfecta..






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