/ / Tage min. 1 Tage max. 365 / Min. Belegung 1 Max. Belegung 100 / 1
€ 126
Samstag, 01. Januar 2050
Kohola Surf (Corralejo, Fuerteventura)Calle Marcelino Camacho Abdad 1, Corralejo,
Spain0034 679 375 341126.00€ - 126.00€Anon1010Surfing is the best! - Surf – one of the most brilliant experiences in my life!! Such a great combination of freedom, power of ocean and waves…You feel so powerful when you manage to catch the wave and stand on your board. It’s like flying , and there is nothing on my mind, just ocean, waves, me and my board and nothing else for hours … you just feel blessed:) And all this in one of the most beautiful beaches in the world! -Kohola Surf (Corralejo, Fuerteventura)Calle Marcelino Camacho Abdad 1, Corralejo,
Spain0034 679 375 341126.00€ - 126.00€Anon1010Can’t wait for the next trip! - Surfing with KoHoLa was ideal trip – a great combination of activities and relaxing, all with incredibly lot of laughing and fun. Mislav and Lea organized everything very well and our was just to enjoy in all of what they did. Surfing with KoHoLa was ideal trip – a great combination of activities and relaxing, all with incredibly lot of laughing and fun. Mislav and Lea organized everything very well and our was just to enjoy in all of what they did. Can’t wait for next trip!” -Kohola Surf (Corralejo, Fuerteventura)Calle Marcelino Camacho Abdad 1, Corralejo,
Spain0034 679 375 341126.00€ - 126.00€Anon1010You really must try this! - - You really must try this! For small amount of money you get trip to Portugal plus unforgettable time. Even if you are not sure at all whether surfing is going to be interesting to you or not, it is definitely worth to go and try surfing with KoHoLa!
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