Kook Proof Activity Center (Esposende, Portugal)

r. Da central nº5C, Esposende, North Portugal 4740-237, Portugal
Tippen Sie anrufen +34 679375341
- Kook Proof Activity Center (Esposende, Portugal) r. Da central nº5C, Esposende, North Portugal, 4740-237, Portugal +34 679375341 1 Package A Dummy 10
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Kook Proof Activity Center (Esposende, Portugal) r. Da central nº5C, Esposende, North Portugal, 4740-237, Portugal +34 679375341 - 9 10 Super cool and experienced staff Super cool and experienced staff, always helpful and kind, ready to be there for the customers 24/7! Beautiful spot, beautiful people, great company, good times I will remember and my first water starts! High level hospitality! Definitely recommended - - Kook Proof Activity Center (Esposende, Portugal) r. Da central nº5C, Esposende, North Portugal, 4740-237, Portugal +34 679375341 - 9 10 Amazingly friendly and kind staff Amazingly friendly and kind staff at Kook Proof in Esposende. Huge thanks for everything over the course of our holiday! Shame the broken ankle our group incurred wasn't a surfing injury, but massive thanks again for all your help and understanding. Recommend Kook Proof to any surf-heads in and around Portugal. - -

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Kook Proof Activity Center (Esposende, Portugal)

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