Desert Point Surfhouse (Moknari, Marokko)

Moknari Town, Moknari, Agadir ----, Morocco
Tippen Sie anrufen 0034 679 375 341
320.00€ - 320.00€ Desert Point Surfhouse (Moknari, Marokko) Moknari Town, Moknari, Agadir, ----, Morocco 0034 679 375 341 1 Package A Dummy 10
Surf Guiding Surf Guiding, 7 nights accomodation, full board / Package A / Tage min. 1 Tage max. 100 / Min. Belegung 1 Max. Belegung 100 / 1 320 Samstag, 01. Januar 2050
Desert Point Surfhouse (Moknari, Marokko) Moknari Town, Moknari, Agadir, ----, Morocco 0034 679 375 341 320.00€ - 320.00€ 9 10 This place embodies what surf trips are all about Hicham -who runs the surfhouse- and his family welcome you in their home and you feel welcome from the very first moment. Enjoy authentic moroccan food in between surf, hear about how this village was founded by his grandfather and play some old fashioned games with his cousins and other family. There's a couple of breaks right in front of the village; no crowds, just you and your buddies, perfect! Within close driving distance are famous spots such as boilers and killer point. When these don't work, Tamri Beach is close which is pretty much a swell magnet. Peaceful and chilled; there are no shops or anything in the village itself; but anything you need will be taken care of by Hicham or can be acquired in nearby villages. Desert Point Surfhouse (Moknari, Marokko) Moknari Town, Moknari, Agadir, ----, Morocco 0034 679 375 341 320.00€ - 320.00€ 10 10 Desert Point, Agadir The house stands on a hillside, within a radius of 2-3 km there is no house. Perfect place to feel the culture and traditions of Morocco. Beach is very clean, not more people. The instructor explains the understandable and accessible. Instructor (Hicham) is very kind, friendly, funny and hospitable host! One of the main thing: his family and he are open-minded people! Desert Point Surfhouse (Moknari, Marokko) Moknari Town, Moknari, Agadir, ----, Morocco 0034 679 375 341 320.00€ - 320.00€ 10 10 Amazing experience at Moknari The place is great. A small village on the top of a hill, surrounded by Argan trees, goats, chickens, and amazing views to the sea. I was really comfortable there and it was great to experience the Moroccan way of life. I didn't know how to surf and after 3 hours, I was able to stand a on the board. I had so much fun and Hicham was really helpful. Hicham and his family are amazing people who will treat you as you were part of his family. You can play (and watch) football with them, and they are quite good actually. Also, we went to the Paradise Vally, which is really beautiful and you can swim in natural small lakes (and jump from the 10 metres top if you are brave) Definitely, a great experience for everyone looking for a different way to enjoy holidays and enrich you with the Moroccan culture! Gracias Desert Point Surfhouse (Moknari, Marokko) Moknari Town, Moknari, Agadir, ----, Morocco 0034 679 375 341 320.00€ - 320.00€ 10 10 Best experience in Morocco! Hicham made sure I was comfortable at all times and the little village I stayed in was very welcoming. I'm a beginner and Hicham had me standing up by my third wave! Had an awesome time out there. Awesome beach below the village where we played lots of football, jumped off the big rock and sea kayaked.
Durchschnitt der Stimmen: 9.8
Stimmen gesamt:4
Unverb. Anfrage


Suchst du nach einem aufregenden Urlaub? Möchtest du echte marokkanische Abenteuer erleben und lernen, wie man surft?

Fühle dich willkommen in Moknari, einem kleinen Dorf, das unserer Familie gehört. Es liegt in einer kleinen Wüste, umgeben von Bergen und einem privaten Strand!
Wir bringen dir bei zu surfen, wandern in den Bergen, Kamelreiten, Angeln, Arganöl ...

Unsere Surfkurse eignen sich für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene im Alter zwischen 8 und 50 Jahren. Ob jung oder alt. Desert Point Surfen Haus, nicht nur eine Surfschule sondern ein Erlebnis!

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Desert Point Surfhouse (Moknari, Marokko)

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Desert Point Surfhouse (Moknari, Marokko) Durchschnitt der Stimmen: 9.8 Stimmen gesamt: 4

10/10 100%
10/10 100%
10/10 100%
10/10 100%
10/10 100%
10/10 100%
Dieser Gast teilte uns mit:

Hicham made sure I was comfortable at all times and the little village I stayed in was very welcoming.


I'm a beginner and Hicham had me standing up by my third wave! Had an awesome time out there.

Sonstiges (z.B. Umgebung, Nightlife, etc.):

Awesome beach below the village where we played lots of football, jumped off the big rock and sea kayaked.


10/10 100%
10/10 100%
10/10 100%
10/10 100%
10/10 100%
10/10 100%
Dieser Gast teilte uns mit:

The place is great. A small village on the top of a hill, surrounded by Argan trees, goats, chickens, and amazing views to the sea. I was really comfortable there and it was great to experience the Moroccan way of life.


I didn't know how to surf and after 3 hours, I was able to stand a on the board. I had so much fun and Hicham was really helpful.

Sonstiges (z.B. Umgebung, Nightlife, etc.):

Hicham and his family are amazing people who will treat you as you were part of his family. You can play (and watch) football with them, and they are quite good actually. Also, we went to the Paradise Vally, which is really beautiful and you can swim in natural small lakes (and jump from the 10 metres top if you are brave) Definitely, a great experience for everyone looking for a different way to enjoy holidays and enrich you with the Moroccan culture! Gracias


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