Yokomosurf (Lanzarote, Spanien)

Caleta de Famara, Av / Marinero Famara Nº25, Lanzarote, Canarias 35558, Spain
Tippen Sie anrufen +34 828 680 066
345.00€ - 345.00€ Yokomosurf (Lanzarote, Spanien) Caleta de Famara, Av / Marinero Famara Nº25, Lanzarote, Canarias, 35558, Spain +34 828 680 066 1 Package A Dummy 10
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Yokomosurf (Lanzarote, Spanien) Caleta de Famara, Av / Marinero Famara Nº25, Lanzarote, Canarias, 35558, Spain +34 828 680 066 345.00€ - 345.00€ 4 10 Great instructor but scammy owner The place is modest but sufficient Famara is great surfing spot available for surfing throughout the whole year At first I have to say that our instructor was Ophelia - she is great instructor, her guidance and advices were very insightful. Simply we enjoyed the course with her so much. It was great up until a time when Pachi (school owner) came back from his holiday. We have ordered 3 days 5-hour group course through their website (https://yokomosurf.com/producto/3-clases-grupo-15-horas/). At the time of the booking there was discount for online in-advance booking. Out total for 2 persons for 3-day course was 264,46€ (as stated in booking confirmation email). We paid a 25% deposit by card and the rest was to be paid after the course. We have forwarded the confirmation email to Pachi to let him know that we are coming and he assured us that everything is alright. After we finished the course we paid remaining amount to our surf instructor. The next day Pachi came to tell us we need to pay more because the price is 320€ and there was no discount whatsoever (in the meantime the discount was already removed from the website). We showed him the confirmation email as this was the agreed-on price but he didn’t want to discuss about this at all and started behaving aggressively. He got panic attack, started crying and nervously moving things around the room. While crying he was psychologically blackmailing us telling us that due to us not paying him more he might not be able to pay a wage to our surf instructor. He was obviously not in control - he looked like he is high from weed at the moment. As we were also staying at his Airbnb for the next days we were afraid what could happen next. We tried to calm him down and told him we are going to pay the difference even though we think it’s not fair as the deal was the price we’ve already paid (we have email confirmation as evidence). I don’t know whether he is trying to pull money out of people on purpose or he is only such a bad businessman and unfair person but I wanted to warn everyone to prevent them from such an unpleasant experience. Please consider this before booking surfing lessons in this school as there are many other schools in Famara to choose from.
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Wir sind eine der besten Surf Schulen auf Lanzarote... nicht von ungefähr... wir haben qualifizierte Lehrer, super erfahrene und große Surf Enthusiasten. Du wirst lernen, Wellen zu fangen und es wird dir gut gehen. Was will man mehr? 
Du wirst neue Freunde finden und lustige Leute kennen lernen. Lernen ist nicht unvereinbar mit Spaß.
Du wirst ein Amateur- oder Profi-Surfer, es hängt von dir und deiner Leistung ab. Es kommt darauf an, was Sie suchen.
Machen Sie sich keine Sorgen um das Material, wir haben alles, was Sie zum Mieten benötigen. Sogar Unterkunft.
Wenn wir über das Surfen sprechen, nicht nur über einen Sport, machen wir eine ganze Lebensphilosophie, die sich heute an eine große Anzahl von Liebhabern richtet, um sie in jedem Winkel der Welt zu praktizieren.

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Yokomosurf (Lanzarote, Spanien)

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