Tiziri Surf Maroc (Tamraght, Marokko)

Km 15, Route de essouira, Tamraght, Agadir 80023, Morocco
Tippen Sie anrufen 679 375 341
- Tiziri Surf Maroc (Tamraght, Marokko) Km 15, Route de essouira, Tamraght, Agadir, 80023, Morocco 679 375 341 1 Package A Dummy 10
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Tiziri Surf Maroc (Tamraght, Marokko) Km 15, Route de essouira, Tamraght, Agadir, 80023, Morocco 679 375 341 - 10 10 A place to come back. A person to revisit. I have been recommending this amazing place to all my friends. And sure enough surfing is about learning. Learning many things. Learning them from a proper person who literally knows all the underwater stones, and spots to go to, and, which is extremely important, when to go to. Thank you, Yassin for one of the best experiences in surfing. There is nothing like sunrise wave ride! Looking forward to learning from you again! There is nothing like sunrise wave ride! Looking forward to learning from you again! Tiziri Surf Maroc (Tamraght, Marokko) Km 15, Route de essouira, Tamraght, Agadir, 80023, Morocco 679 375 341 - 10 10 Yassine is one of the most kind hearted person I have ever met. He shares his compassion of surfing with you. Although he is a Real Madrid fan, he is one of the best surf instructors and overall best person to spend your time with! He takes you around the towns and shows you how people there live their day to day lives. Tiziri Surf Maroc (Tamraght, Marokko) Km 15, Route de essouira, Tamraght, Agadir, 80023, Morocco 679 375 341 - 10 10 Will come back! Yassine is a super good surfer and teacher, U will deffinatly have a cool time with this Legend. If U want to try out, some smooth waves Marocco is the place to be Cant wait to meet again, Shakaaaaa!!! Tiziri Surf Maroc (Tamraght, Marokko) Km 15, Route de essouira, Tamraght, Agadir, 80023, Morocco 679 375 341 - 10 10 Oh lovely Morocco Good waves, good food, good company. Yassine is super great guy! He is fun and inspiring surfer teacher. I want to come back

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Tiziri Surf Maroc (Tamraght, Marokko)

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