Chill In Ericeira Surfhouse (Ericeira, Portugal)

Rua Manuel Pereira Santa Rosa 8, Ericeira, Lisbon Area 2655-293, Portugal
Tippen Sie anrufen +34828680066
357.00€ - 357.00€ Chill In Ericeira Surfhouse (Ericeira, Portugal) Rua Manuel Pereira Santa Rosa 8, Ericeira, Lisbon Area, 2655-293, Portugal +34828680066 1 Package A Dummy 10
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Willkommen im World Surfing Reservat
Komm mit uns auf den schönen Wellen von Ericeira, einem typischen portugiesischen Dorf am Meer, surfen. Dieser besondere Ort ist bei Surfern als Europas Top-Surf-Location bekannt und bietet das ganze Jahr über ideale Surfbedingungen für alle Niveaus von Surfern. 
Genießen Sie Ihren Aufenthalt auf den Wellen Ihrer Träume..... 
Wir möchten ein unvergessliches Erlebnis bieten, egal ob Anfänger oder erfahrener Surfer. Wir organisieren Surfkurse, um jedem Niveau gerecht zu werden, und wenn du von den Surfkursen zurückkommst, wirst du dich besser fühlen als zu Hause! Entspanne, bevor wir alle Gäste zu einem typischen Abendessen einladen und das Nachtleben von Ericeira genießen! 

Wenn du einmal bei uns bleibst, wirst du nie wieder nach Hause gehen wollen. " Wahre Geschichte"

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Mehr Information


Schaue Dir auch unseren Surfcamp Guide für Ericeira an. Hier findest Du eine Karte und alle wichtigen Informationen über Surfcamps in Ericeira:

Surfcamps in Ericeira25

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Foz do Lizandro Is the spot where the lessons will be held, at walking distance from the surfcamp. It's a really fun beach break during summer time with perfect peaks to give surfclasses and improving your surfing, during the winter with a good swell and when the rains forms new sandbanks it turns into a world class tubing beachbreak.

S. Julião It's a really punchy and strong beach break, it is at 10 km from the camp. When all the spots are flat in Ericeira this long stretch of beach has always some waves to offer, if you feel to hike away from the main peak you might found some empty banks. When the sand is aligned it can provide some really good waves.

Pico do Futuro/Praia do Sul
These spots are right in front of the camp, you can check them from the comfort of the living room, they mainly work in winter with big swell when anywhere else is maxing out. The first is a right hand pointbrake with a lot of power,mainly for experienced surfer in the big days, that peels off just in front of the Grand Hotel. The second is a misto/reef made out of different peaks that works mostly in winter.

Probably the best pointbreak of Europe, a right punchy long ride breaking on an urchin infested reef. The water entrance/exit is very difficult and dangerous. Best with low tide. Only for expert surfers.


Ericeira is also known for its warm and welcoming people that love to receive surfers and travellers all year. You'll fall in love for the fresh fish brought in every morning by the fishermen, the natural beauty of the surroundings and the magic of Ericeira night life.


From the international Lisbon Airport: Chill in Ericeira Surfhouse is just about 30/40 min by car. We provide transfer from and to the Lisbon airport for 60 euros one person to 3 people. Alternatively the cheapest way is coming by bus from Campo Grande bus station with the buses of the Mafrense company.


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Chill In Ericeira Surfhouse (Ericeira, Portugal)

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