Egal, ob du ein völlig Fremder beim Surfen bist oder jemand, der gerne ein wenig tiefer in die Welt des Surfens eintauchen möchte, wir sind hier, um dich zu begleiten.
Wir bieten Ihnen Unterkunft, Surfkurse, Surfguiding, Surfen, Frühstück, Abendessen und Erkundungsreisen.
Surfitness ist etwas, worauf wir stolz sind, das erste und einzige in Sri Lanka oder auf der Welt zu sein, das in dieser Hinsicht angeboten wird.
Seine fitnessbezogenen Übungen, die Ihre Kraft und Gesundheit steigern und Sie stärker machen. Es hilft Ihnen, sich schneller zu entwickeln und mehr Wellen zu fangen und reduziert das Risiko, verletzt zu werden.
Sie können Ihren Aufenthalt so gestalten, dass er zu Ihrer Tasche passt, das gewünschte Surfniveau erreicht und Sie Sri Lanka erkunden können.
Du und deine Freunde können völlig andere Bedingungen in Bezug auf Gesundheit, Budget, Surfen und Fitnessniveau haben, aber du kannst immer noch deinen Aufenthalt genießen und anpassen, um genau zu bekommen, wie du es willst.
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Anfrage für:
Lanka Living Surf (Ahangama, Sri Lanka)
Sonstiges (z.B. Umgebung, Nightlife, etc.):As an instructor she strikes the right balance between supportive and taking no bullshit. She observed our ability and bought us out surfing out on some of the local reefs. D and I were confident in the water but unsure of our skills when it came to knowing what to drop into. Mikaela pushed us out of our comfort zones encouraging us to take risks and progress our surfing, knowing what we able for and what we weren't. We both came out buzzing from surf sessions. You can be guaranteed to learn about the technical aspects of surfing, whilst having a balance of banter, and building your confidence with Mikaela and her team. Mikaela took time out of her own day to show us the lay of the land, give us useful tips an info when we set off to explore central Sri Lanka.
Mikaela took time out of her own day to show us the lay of the land, give us useful tips an info when we set off to explore central Sri Lanka. I'll be back to train with Mikaela and hopefully push my surfing, have the banter and enjoy the beautiful beaches and mountains and curry Sri Lanka and Mikaelas team has to offer.
Sonstiges (z.B. Umgebung, Nightlife, etc.):When I met this girl the first time in the tropical zone, I got little scared cause she had “balls like a bull”- she was damn strong. After the first surfsession with her- I knew SHE is it, she should be my teacher: she took all my fear from my shoulders, she gave me faith in myself whereof I started to trust myself, she was still honest with me and accepted as well as respected my limits [whenever my fear got bigger than the waves] and of course she showed me how to get control over yourself/myself if you get into a runaway situation in the wild ocean. This girl is not just a motivation bomb- she is a gorgeous all around packet: she can dance with you- whenever you miss music in your life, she will cry with you- whenever you want to share your sufferbaggage. But she will show you as well her teeth through a huge smile to remember you on the sunny moments in life and she will be the best lifeguard buddy you can imagine- whenever you need to catch a new vibe.
So all in one: she is an unique, strong, disciplined, open, interesting, beautiful and faithful person- so the best “bar” you can get. See you hopefully soon, babe.