Surf Paradise Morocco (Tamraght, Marokko)

Route de essouira, Tamraght, Agadir 800000, Morocco
Tippen Sie anrufen +34 679375341
90.00€ - 90.00€ Surf Paradise Morocco (Tamraght, Marokko) Route de essouira, Tamraght, Agadir, 800000, Morocco +34 679375341 1 Package A Dummy 10
Tariff / / Tage min. 1 Tage max. 365 / Min. Belegung 1 Max. Belegung 100 / 1 90 Samstag, 01. Januar 2050
Surf Paradise Morocco (Tamraght, Marokko) Route de essouira, Tamraght, Agadir, 800000, Morocco +34 679375341 90.00€ - 90.00€ 9 10 Amazing surf hostel Our stay at Surf Paradise Morocco was great, the rooms where nice, cozy and in a beautiful Moroccan style. The atmosphere was great, the staff super helpful and there were a lot of activities organised each day. We enjoyed the great few from the terrace where we also joined wonderful sunset yoga sessions. Also very tasty and healthy Moroccan food. Great surfing with very good instructors. Groups were always small, which ment a lot of personal attention and helpful tips, which definitely improved my surfing! The instructors always brought us to the place with the best waves that day. Tamraght is a quieter place, but both Agadir and Taghazout are close by, which makes it a perfect location for those who want to escape the more crowded places. Also surfing is always close by.
Durchschnitt der Stimmen: 9.0
Stimmen gesamt:1
Unverb. Anfrage


Wir begrüßen dich im besten Surfcamp in Marokko!
- Dein Zuhause in Marokko -

Wenn die Sonne im Meer untergeht und die Wellen noch in Fahrt sind, wandern Sie nach einem langen Surf-Tag in Marokko entlang der Küste zurück zum Surfcamp. Lassen Sie mich Sie in den Süden von Marokko, in Taghazout Bay, direkt vor dem Atlantik Strände und Weltklasse-Surf-Breaks von Marokko, und 3 km von Taghazout Zentrum fuehren. Sie betreten das Surf & Yoga Riad von Surf Paradise Marokko. Es ist das führende Surfcamp in Marokko!
Dieses wunderschöne Surfcamp in Marokko, zwischen dem Grün des tropischen Gartens mit einem panoramischen Meerblick, ist ein Ort, an dem Surfer, Yogis und Reisende zusammenkommen, um fantastische Surfferien zu verbringen. Es ist in perfekter Balance zwischen der marokkanischen Kultur und dem europäischen Luxus. Auf der Terrasse des Hauses können Sie die Wellen beobachten und Ihre Leidenschaft mit anderen teilen, während Sie marokkanischen Tee trinken und Sonnenuntergänge beobachten.
Du kommst nicht umhin, über den herrlichen Tag zu lächeln, den du gerade im Wasser verbracht hast, ein paar tolle Wellen fangen, während der Yogaklasse mit dir selbst in Verbindung treten, dilicious Tajines essen und mit deinen neuen Freunden kleine Hippietown Taghazout erkunden, du hast dich gerade im Paradies wiedergefunden Ein unvergesslicher Surfurlaub in Taghazout!

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Mehr Information


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Breaks directly at the main spot and at nearby spots

With over 330 days of sunshine a year you can visit Tamraght all year long. In the wintertime (Dec-Feb) there are some strong swells for the advanced surfers, you have the change to surf the big famous waves of Morocco! In summertime you there are small or medium waves, this is more suitable for beginners.
In the winter time there are tempratures around 15-20 degrees and the water temprature is around the 15 degrees. The rain is very rare in this area so you’ll have great weather trough the whole year!

In the area you will find beginner, intermediate and advanced surfspots as well as beachbreaks and reefbreaks.


What about Insurance?
Participants are required to have travel insurance for travelling to Morocco you need to complete a travel insurance with world coverage! These obligations, which we set as a travel organizer, serveexclusively for the protection of the participant (due to high medical, S.O.S. or transportation costs). Inform yourself with your insurance company.
It is your responsibility to obtain adequate travel insurance before your trip. Most of the travel Insurance don’t cover any damage on surfboards, fins or wetsuits. Surf Paradise Morocco is offering a Surf Insurance that covers any damage or loss to our equipment (surf boards & leashes) while surfing. Surf Paradise Morocco accepts no responsibility for loss, theft, damage or injury to persons or property during their stay.

How can I pay in Morocco ?
In Morocco they pay with Dirhams. 1 euro is around 10 dirhams. In most of the countries its difficult to get Moroccan Dirhams. We recommend changing money once here or using your ATM card. You will find exchange facilities and ATMs in the airport to get money out. You can also find ATMs in Agadir or Awrir. Surf Paradise Morocco don’t accept travellers cheques! For more information about paying your booking check: Booking

How should I dress?
Morocco is a Muslim country and modesty is respected. On the beach you can wear bikini’s and shorts, but you can’t be nude. For girls: On the streets wearing a range of clothing it’s best to err on the side of modesty. For men: we recommend to cover their upper body in public area. Morocco is an arid climate, much like California. The day times are warm and the evenings can get quite cool, especially in the winter.  Homes and buildings are built in such a way that they keep cool in summer and (kind of) stay warm in winter.  So while it may be 100F outside, if you’re inside a home or building it can be quite cool. Bring also clothes that keep you warm!

What about alcoholic drinks in a muslim country?
Tamraght is a dry town. This means that no store will sell alcohol here, but that does not mean that you can’t get alcohol anywhere. Alcohol is available in Agadir, in some restaurants, cafe’s and you can buy it in the shop it is nice to enjoy a drink after a good day surfing. You can also buy duty free before departing in the airport.




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Surf Paradise Morocco (Tamraght, Marokko)

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Surf Paradise Morocco (Tamraght, Marokko) Durchschnitt der Stimmen: 9.0 Stimmen gesamt: 1

10/10 100%
9/10 90%
10/10 100%
9/10 90%
9/10 90%
9/10 90%
Dieser Gast teilte uns mit:

Our stay at Surf Paradise Morocco was great, the rooms where nice, cozy and in a beautiful Moroccan style. The atmosphere was great, the staff super helpful and there were a lot of activities organised each day. We enjoyed the great few from the terrace where we also joined wonderful sunset yoga sessions. Also very tasty and healthy Moroccan food.


Great surfing with very good instructors. Groups were always small, which ment a lot of personal attention and helpful tips, which definitely improved my surfing! The instructors always brought us to the place with the best waves that day.

Sonstiges (z.B. Umgebung, Nightlife, etc.):

Tamraght is a quieter place, but both Agadir and Taghazout are close by, which makes it a perfect location for those who want to escape the more crowded places. Also surfing is always close by.


Um eine Bewertung abzugeben müssen Sie eingeloggt sein.

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