Surfcamps playa-grande

property image
Booking on request



Playa Grande, Guanacaste, Costa Rica

Founded in the spirit of adventure, Rip Jack Inn in Playa Grande is known for tropical bliss and friendly ambiance. Back in 2002, owners Dave and Annie Corredor packed th...

Prices from
70.00€ Per week
70.00€ For 1 night
70.00€ Per week
Prices from
70.00€ For 1 night
property image
Booking on request



Playa Grande, Guanacaste, Costa Rica

If you’re looking for the authentic Costa Rican beach life, but don’t want to be surrounded by tourists, then Playa Grande is the place to come.   A hidden gem in Costa R...

Prices from
1,060.00€  per week
151.43€ For 1 night
1,060.00€  per week
Prices from
151.43€ For 1 night