Camino Surf Caños de Meca (Andalusia, Spain)

Carril del faro Trafalgar, Caños de Meca, Andalucia 11159, Spain
Tap to call 0034693498929
329.00€ - 329.00€ Camino Surf Caños de Meca (Andalusia, Spain) Carril del faro Trafalgar, Caños de Meca, Andalucia, 11159, Spain 0034693498929 1 Package A Dummy 10
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El Camino Surf Camp en Los Caños de Meca - the perfect place to escape from winter.

Perfect waves! Around 300 days of sunshine a year. Mild temperatures, also during winter months. Why not coming immediately?
Here at the Costa de la Luz in Andalucia that is still not affected by mass tourism, a wonderland of waves with a lot of beach, reef and point breaks is waiting for you. Because of the big selection of spots there will always a wave for you.

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The perfectly oriented cape of Trafalgar offers many surfing-opportunities for all levels of surfing, from the total beginner to the advanced wave-warrior. Especially during winter-time, the 210°-degree-swell-window provides perfect waves within a 200m distance. The beginner will stay in the protected beach of Canos de Meca while the more advanced migh give it a go on the famous left-hander in front of the lighthouse or the more open beach of Cala Isabel with its wedge-like right-hander. There are plenty of more surfing-opportunities in close proximity. From the rivermouth-wave in Barbate to the well-known beach-break of El Palmar with its perfectly shaped sandbanks. Even with its prevailing offshore-winds and consistent waves during winter, the Costa de la Luz is still widely unknown within the international surfing community.

With around 300 days of sunshine, the Costa de la Luz in Andalusia, in the South of the Iberian peninsula, legitimately is considered one of Europe's mildest regions. The perfectly shaped coast around the historical cape of Trafalgar, where in the beginning of the 19th century the British celebrated a devastating victory agains the Spanish and French, serves as the ultimate wave-wonderland with very consistent swells especially in winter. It's not only the surf and the sun that leaves Canos de Meca without comparison. It is also the unequaled atmosphere that nurishes the relaxed hippie-village. Freedom, peacefulness and acceptance are reasons enough for musicians, artists and rastamen to have settled in this beautiful small community.

Right behind the village, the naturepark ridge of La Brea invites one to extended mountainbike or hiking tours and provides breathtaking scenic views along the Andalusian coast all the way down to Africa. The village's name originates from small waterfalls with ground-water, the so-called Canos, springing from the cliffs next to the village.

Just 100m from the Camp, the cape of Trafalgar offers perfect surfing-conditions for all levels. Either for the beginners and intermediates in the protected bay of Caños de Meca or for the advanced surfer on the reef-break in front of the light-house or the wedge-like wave at Cala Isabel. Only 5km away there is the well-known beach-break spot of El Palmar with perfectly shaped sandbanks.

Apart from surfing one might indulge in the andalusian culture in the cities of Conil de la Frontera, Cadiz and Sevilla or go along with a dolfin and whale-watching tour, horse-riding, diving or gyrocoper-flying. In the in-house restaurant, chef Tom navigates through spanish and international culinaric treats with great bravura. Breakfast, packed lunch and dinner can be booked on a daily or a weekly basis. There are also a couple of restaurants in the area, including the affectionately furnished bar Las Dunas, only 50m from the Surf-Lodge.

With an average of 3000 hours of sun per year, the Costa de la Luz is one of the mildest regions in Europe. During the winter-months, the average top-temperatures range between 18 and 21 degrees and low-temperatures around 8 and 9 degrees. In exceptional cases during night, the thermometer might fall down to 3-4 degrees. At times, there is lots of wind, especially when the dry and cool easterly is blowing, known as Levante or when humid air comes with the Poniente from the west. Weather-proof clothing is highly recommended.



Different shaped and sized boards and high-quality wetsuits are for rent.


The average age of the clients is 25 years. We focus in surfing and relaxing. For people that would like to party there are live concerts every week.

Camp Operator

We, the Camino Surf Team, do not see the surf as a pure water sport separate rather as a sporty, but also mental possibility to have fun in and with the nature.
Fun - this stands for us at the uppermost place. Gliding on a glittering, moving water mountain, defeat foam and take up the natural energy of the waves in yourselves - this is a kick and relaxation at the same time!
We have made it to ourselves the job is to divide this fun with others and to transmit. Under professional instructions and in group one can make fast progress and get to know playfully the skills of surfing. Experience, enthusiasm and almost unreserved love for surfing - this is what distinguishes us.
So that the possibility is preserved to us and to many after us to follow this passion, we see one of our duties to respect nature. We would like to develop our comprehensive and lasting consciousness for the nature and transmit it. Besides, we are supported by famous environmental organisations (Surfrider foundation, Carbonfund. org). Besides, one with us also has the possibility to test ecologically made Balsa wood surfboards.


Only 100m from the beach, the Surf-Lodge accommodates up to 25 people in single-, double- and triple-rooms, all of them with bathroom and some of them with balcony. There is heating installed for those few cold nights in winter.
Also there is a big garden with a relaxing-area, hammocks, surfers bar, pc with wifi, surf cinema with video prejector,table-tennis, dart, party games, surfing library, mountainsbikes for free use, skateboards, long-skateboards, beachvolleyball etc..

Part of the Camino Surf Family is also our own cook, who is providing us a nutritious fedding for sportsmen,
a fortifying reakfast, packed lunch and balanced dinner.
You can book catering for single days or 7`6“ers Culinario-Packs: this contains 7x breakfast + packed lunch and 6x dinner.
On request it will be booked vegetarian food.



There are some very interesting low-budget special deals: Foremost the Grand Opening Special at season's start with a week lodging in a three-bedroom and a 5-day/20hr surfcourse at un unbeatable rate.

Also, it is possible to bundle packages individually where one can choose between accommodation in either single-, double- and triple-rooms. There are surf-courses on offer for all different levels of surfing: from the absolute beginner to the advanced surf-crack. All surfing instructors are licensed by the International Surfing Association (ISA) and follow a well-approved teaching-concept, including theory-lessons (1 hours a day) and of course much time in the waves (3 hours a day). There is no certain course time table because we manage them according to the waves, wind and the tide.

There is full- and half-board available on a weekly or on a daily base. On Sundays there are no surf-lessons and no dinner in the camp. The courses will be done in German and English, on request also in Spanish.
Participation in surf course does not require participation in surf camp.

The surf-courses include all equipment (surfboards, wetsuits, surfwax) and beach-transfers if necessary. During surf-lessons, all students are covered by the Camp's insurance. The 5-day surfcourse also includes videoanalysis where the students together with the instructor observe their surfing and look for possible improvements and you will get our organic-cotton fairtrade Camp T-Shirt. All pictures and videos made during the stay can be copied at no extra costs.

Experienced surfers might opt for equipment-rental. There are plenty of different shaped and sized boards in the quiver. Apart from the classic beginner-boards from BIC and NSP there are also some hand-shaped boards on offer. With one of the warm wetsuits, one will not get cold while playing with the waves. For reasons of safety, there is no equipment-rental available for unexperienced surfers or at times when the conditions are too dangerous.

For the first time you get to know the beauty of surfing. You will be coached on the homesport Caños de Meca within 20 hours by our trained surfing instructors (DWV, ISA). Daily theory courses will teach you the most important information about surfing and you can observe yourself surfing via videoanalyse.

Why don´t I stay on the board during take-off? It would be best if you participate in Camino Surf Intermediate course and got trained by qualified surf instructor while surfing. Posture, position of surfboard, timing - everything will be optimized and take the most of the advantages of your surf course. While videocoaching you will be able to observe yourself and correct your mistakes with your coach.

OK, you are able to do the take-off - but why do I loose so much speed while bottom-turning? You have any questions like these? Then you should participate in the course for advanced. Depending on your skills you will be looked after and will work together with experienced surf instructors on the right timing for take-off, bottom-turn, cut-back or snap. The complex sequence of movements will be facilitated by professional coaching and intensive video training. After being able to do the take-off and the line-up, you will be surfing together with our instructors who will give you helpful hints when you need them: there, where all the action is taking place.


Rent of mountainbikes
You get them from our surf camp, free use

Rent of cars
Plenty of liberty with a car. It would be best if you rent one right at the airport.

There are also many more activities to do in the surroundings, like horse-riding, whale and dolphin watching, diving, golfing, etc.
We support you organizing your trips.


Conditions of surfing
Los Caños de Meca - Left
Very nice and powerful reef-break. The better known wave here in Caños only has a very small take-off zone and especially on weekends will get quite crowded. Only for experienced surfers!

Los Caños de Meca - Right
One-of-a-kind longboard-reef-break wave. On it's days you'll experience up to 150m rides and more. Perfectly suited for Intermediates if not too big. Otherwise preferably for experienced surfers.

Caños de Meca - the Bay
Shelterd by the cape of Trafalgar, this beach is the way to go for beginner-surf-sessions. There are a number of peaks with most of them breaking over sandy bottom which provide for an easy entry into surfing.

El Palmar
Beautiful mile-long beach with very consistent sand-banks. Generally known as the best beach-break in Andalusia. During winter, it can get massive at times. Even if sometimes there are many surfers in El Palmar, it never really gets crowded as there are so many peaks to choose from.

This rivermouth-wave needs some sizeable swell to get to live but once it does it is a world-class wave. With smaller sizes around three to five foot, this wave can be a very nice intermediate wave. If it starts pumping, the locals will be there and it will get harder to get any waves.

Surrounding/ Region

Somewhere in the middle of nowhere, located in a small hippie-village surrounded by steep cliffs and just a hundred meters from the historical cape of Trafalgar, you will find the Camino Surf Lodge. The atmosphere here is unrivaled, conveying freedom, peacefulness and acceptance. Walking the path to the renowned lighthouse at Cape Trafalgar at sunset, passing by affectionately setup bars and restaurants as well as street-sales-booths where Rastafari offering their handmade jewelry - thats quality of life. An oasis of peace and quiet.

From the various amazing waterfalls, the so called "Caños", which gave the village its name, to the picturesque hinterland where you can enjoy a memorable scenic view of the coast from the 16th-century-built watch tower "Torre del Tajo": Caños de Meca guarantees for an unforgettable experience: nature- and surfing-wise.


Via Airplane

To Canos de Meca you get the best and fastest by air. Four international airports are located in our area: Jerez de la Frontera, Seville, Gibraltar and Malaga. We'll pick you up from the airport in Jerez. If you come from the other airports we will pick you up at the bus to Barbate. Details of the connections can be found below.
Airport-Transfer from Jerez is possible.

Jerez de la Frontera - XRY       
ca. 80km
Gibraltar - GIB ca. 100km
Sevilla - SVQ ca. 130km
Malaga - AGP ca. 230km

Airport transfer

We can pick you up directy at the airport Jerez de la Frontera. The price is for one way and will be divided by the number of persons.
08:00 - 21:00 Uhr: €50,-
21:00 - 08:00 Uhr: €70,-

Via Bus

One can also travel by bus. In this case you have can go to Barbate, Conil de la Frontera or nach Vejer de la Frontera , where we come to pick you up:



SURF PACKAGE - FROM 299€ per person/week

-Accommodation in three-bed-room
-5 days surf course

                       Low Season      High Season
one week             299 €               379 €
additional week    299 €               319 €


Prices per person per week

                           Low Season    High Season
Single Room              230 €             260 €
Double/Twin             160 €              190 €
Three-bed-room        140 €              170 €


Breakfast and packed lunch    10 € per day
Dinner                                  12 € per day
7´6´´ Culinario Package         120 € per week
(7x Breakfast and packed lunch , 6 X dinner)

Surf Course

- practice and theory lessons
- surfboard and wetsuit
- beach transfers

1 Week (5 days)      219€
2 Weeks (10 days)  359 €
1 day (4h)                60 €
3 day (12h)            159 €
trial lesson               40 €

Equipment Rental

                              per day       per week
Surfboard                   18 €           90 €
Wetsuit                        6 €           35 €
Surfboard + Wetsuit    24 €          125 €



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